Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

I live Clay...I really do. But that hair style is awful looking on him! I honestly thought he looked like K.D. Lang but with longer hair! I think a new haircut is in order!

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

I wondered the same thing, it really look bad,and now that you've mention it, he did look like K.D.

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

I didn't even recognize him at first. I think he should go back to the red.

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

he should stop trying to like a scene person and just go back to his dorky days. i think its an ateempt to not appear gay.

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

he looked like an idiot,we all know that

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

I couldn't even tell who it was at first.

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

or that thar broad Ellen Degenerate... His lil buddy that he sung with looks like Mr. Mackey from SOUTH PARK

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

I think it was all in the bangs - too long!

What is with Clay Aiken's hair? Did anyone else think he looked like K.D. Lang??

i think it was hott!! the new doo sure does bring out his gorgeous eys and his great smile...clay aiken sure is a hotty!!

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