Saturday, August 1, 2009

Im so bored with my hair style?

i do the same thing with it everyday...part it on the side.

i've tried different things with it, but im just so bored with it... i need a change.

i have a rounder face. its not chubby.

i have long hair. i DONT want to cut it.

i REALLY want side bangs, but im afraid they will make my face look even more round or make it look chubby.

[pics would be aweesome!]

please help!!!

thank you sooo much!!!

Im so bored with my hair style?

I have a round face and side bangs doesn't make it seem more round. You should try layers as well

Im so bored with my hair style?

how about a curling iron or a straightening iron? they deffinetly will add some creativity, just make sure you use a heat protective spray. here are some stlyes. :)

if you curl you're hair...

for this stlye, make sure you're hair is washed. greasy hair or dirty hair does not curl nicely at all. use a medium sized curling iron, and curl all of you're hair; leaving your bangs straight (if you have bangs.) if not you can clip up the front of you're hair leaving a little poof on the top. it would look cute. :)

if you straighten you're hair...

try adding a headband! simple as that. :) you could also clip it up instead, just as i suggested with the curly hair stlye.

gooooood luck!

Im so bored with my hair style?

Hairstyles for round face

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