Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is a good hair style for a 7th grade girl?

I'm really shy, and I don't like looking super girly.. I also like having really long hair (it's nearly down to my waist right now)

What kind of hair would be good for me?

What is a good hair style for a 7th grade girl?

When I was your age, I had below waist length hair. I loved just braiding it, wearing pigtails, ponytails, hairbands, ect... Enjoy wearing it long and experiment with it. Girls with shorter hair don't have the options that you do.

What is a good hair style for a 7th grade girl?

id get my hair cut a little bit below my shoulders get and get my bangs cut at an angle and in front of my eyes

What is a good hair style for a 7th grade girl?

I wish I had hair like u at the moment!I got my mum to cut my hair it was long but not as long as yours,and she cut it-i wanted it shoulder length-and i moved my head and she cut it to short.Now it is almost shoulder length but jsut past chin.I would suggest putting your hair in a really big ponytail on your head :)

What is a good hair style for a 7th grade girl?

if you still wanna keep your length, just goo ask for layers and maybe a cute bang if your willing to try it.

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