Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

or even long my hair,if yes then whts the best hair style?


Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

Jason, you are a cute guy.

Let's make you totally yummy~ Que?

That's my job- for real!

A more classic cut, would really draw more attention to your lovely eyes then the main focus of the forehead.

A bit longer with some lighter "gold" highlights for summer (Like Brad Pitt in his younger years.) and you can go rich choclate brown for winter (be sure to color beard to match) (very Hugh Jackson). That will "zoom" in on your eyes. Those EYES are your best feature next to the great bones structure you have on cheeks and jawline....so work it.

Your hair is so thick or full, be sure to have them "thin it" with special shears, so that it falls better.

You can thin out those eyebrows with some wax, They need to be thinned out underneath to "open your eyes" up more (it won't look girley- most spas done it more than you ever can guress) and you need to reshape that beard to line the jaw, or just a longer goatee.....your face is perfect for just a soulpatch.

From the "Shots" the current styles-it makes your face look much wider and your eyes far set. You need to V shape your chin or U shape the beard, along the jawline. That mustache needs to be gone except with a beard only. You upper lip is so close to your nose, that without the rest of the hair to balance it out.

If you walked into my shop, I would cut all that facial hair, shag cut that hair and put in choppy highlights for the summer and for winter dye it dark and the beard too. I want THOSE eyes and baby lips to be the focus of that face, not your forehead and nose. {you do have a good nose too)

Men can use their hair (all over) their body as a personal accessory and many never consider it. Seasonal changes look HOT.

Get a manicure and Pedicure as well. Trust me, ladies like sexy hands and feet as well. Most of all if you a preformer, you need that too look your best.

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

looks good the way it is

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

do both i'll look good on you.

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

cut it u look cute

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

cut your hair

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

i like it now

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

Cut your hair.

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

it looks ok as it is.. maybe grow it a bit longer

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

oh no it JESUS!! ruuuun....hide the stuff!!!

grow it longer

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

keep growing it out - nice =)

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

I think a side part would look nice on you.

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

i think that you should do what u think that you would like the best

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

I don't like it, it looks so ''BOY BAND'' to me. I mean is this for personal reasons, or professional?

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

I would say leave it you look fine with that hair so work it. NOT longer because you already got the jesus thing going and it would make you look like a dippy hippy, so stay the same.

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

change your hair style

Should i cut my hair or change my hair style?

it's you who can decide this............it depends on your character.

for me, i'd like you however you are :D

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