Monday, July 27, 2009

Concerning Hair...?

I am a man with hair thats about 15 inches long from scalp to tip of hair. I wear it in a ponytail, and its not dead straight but rather wavy... bordering on curly. would you recommend that i continue living with this hair style or is long slightly curly hair on men's heads unattractive... and i wear it in a pony tail all day if thats any help...

Concerning Hair...?

there is a couple of contibuting factors old are you? and what do you do for a living? long hair can be very attractive if it's kept well.....also if it's in a pony tail all day long , why not cut it... good luck

Concerning Hair...?

Attractiveness is based solely on opinion and will change with each person. What do you think about your hair? Do you like it? That is all that matters.

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