Monday, July 27, 2009

I need a cute hair style for going shopping?

I love shopping with my friends and whenever we go we look super hot but I always have the same dilemma. How can i do my hair? I really need some cute hair styles that i can blow my friends away with! I have browney-blonde, long, wavey hair that looks dreadful when it is out. Also i hate straightenning or curling my hair so unless u have an idea that i could curl or straighten my hair without an iron please inform me. Thanks =]

I need a cute hair style for going shopping?

I was going to say straighten or curl your hair but since that won't work... how about you wet your hair, put it up in a poneytail, and into a messy bun?

The best way to do a PERFECT messy bun it to put your hair in a poney tail first... then you take a little chunk of that pony tail.. twist it up, and bobbypin it, and you go on with all the chunks of your hair making sure that your overlapping and twisting together. You'll end up haveing about 15 bobby-pins in your hair, but it looks super cute!! :)

I need a cute hair style for going shopping?

You can always go Straight and sleek ! :)

I need a cute hair style for going shopping?

i suggest hav a haircut

trim ur hair

and visit for more info

hav fun

I need a cute hair style for going shopping?

i suggest you leave your hair down or curl it at the ends a bit.

or you can out your hair up into a high ponytail and a quiff (like in your avatar)

I need a cute hair style for going shopping?



I need a cute hair style for going shopping?

You could go shopping with straight hair or you could go with your hair tied.

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